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Bass Bridge Height Adjusters BOXWOOD


Price: 163.35 PLN

Bass Bridge Height Adjusters 2 pieces

Installation of adjusting screws should be carried out when the bridge is properly adjusted, because after mounting the screws, the possible fitting of the bridge is much more complicated.


List of necessary tools:
bench drill;
    absolutely do not recommend a hand-held drill
● drill Ø 7,9 mm i  Ø 8,2 mm
● drill vice

1. Mark the line on the foot of the bridge, where the adjustment screws are to be located. Then mark the vertical lines, centrally on both legs, on both sides of the bridge, determining the location and direction of the screws.
Depending on the type of bridge, the proper distance of the cutting line from the inside edges of the legs is 25-45 mm. Cut the bridge with a precise perpendicular cut, then make another cut 5 mm higher to remove the part where the screws will be installed.

2. Thanks to the vertical lines marked on the legs of the bridge, it is possible to properly adjust the position of the screws in the bottom and top of the bridge.

3. Place the bottom part of the bridge in the drill vise, paying special attention to the positioning of the bridge that will ensure the drilling of perfectly vertical holes in both legs of the bridge.
Holes with a depth of 15 mm should be made with a drill Ø 7,9 mm.

4. Threaded sleeves should be glued into the holes of the legs of the bridge with polyurethane glue (e.g. Titebond PU); wipe off excess glue.

5. Place the upper part of the stand in the drill vise, paying special attention to the positioning of the bridge, which will ensure the drilling of perfectly vertical holesHoles with a depth of 25 mm should be made with a drill Ø 8,2 mm.

6. Screw the adjusting screws into the threaded sleeves in the legs of the bridge, and place their upper pins in the holes on the top of the bridge. With the time required for the adhesive to dry and harden completely, the stands are ready to be put on the instrument.